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Filter HQ Ltd

National Supplier

56 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei

09 430 0395

About Filter HQ Ltd

Filter HQ is a family owned business, established in 2001 and based in Whangarei servicing the greater Northland area from Kaitaia to Auckland on a weekly basis.

Our core belief is to provide first class service and supply quality product you can bet your business on. We firmly believe in locals supporting locals and enjoy helping the surrounding community.

The primary focus of the business is Oil and Filtration. 

Filter HQ are also the largest local importer of Oil in Northland. This means that we can offer cost effective Complete Filtration and Lube Packages to make ordering simple and your services economic resulting in greater production and profitability. Our custom Fleet Database ensures accuracy and effective supply chain management.

We also carry a wide range of related product including Batteries, Belts, Clutches, Brakes, Domestic Water Filtration, Workshop Consumables, Aerosols, Lubrication Equipment and Tooling.

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